======================================================================== README file for the bias lexicon Release: 1.0 (05/03/2013) Created: May 3, 2013 ======================================================================== This file contains a list of 654 bias-inducing lemmas. We used the training set of NPOV edits (see the other folder) to extract the lemmas of words that were the before form of at least two NPOV edits, and that occurred in at least two different NPOV articles. This lexicon was used in the following paper: Marta Recasens, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, and Dan Jurafsky. 2013. Linguistic Models for Analyzing and Detecting Biased Language. Proceedings of ACL 2013. Please cite this paper if you use this resource in your work. Contact: recasens@google.com cristiand@cs.stanford.edu ========================================================================